Welcoming students from diverse backgrounds, Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) provides strong academics and opportunities to grow in faith within a caring community. A member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, CMU’s degree programs include a Bachelor of Arts in a broad range of majors plus Bachelor degrees in Business Administration (through CMU’s Redekop School of Business), Music, and Music Therapy. Students can earn Master of Arts degrees in Theology and in Christian Ministry. CMU values excellent teaching, rigorous thinking, and practical preparation. Highly qualified professors and ideal class sizes help students learn, grow, and succeed. CMU helps with the transition to life and studies in Canada, welcoming students through social activities, chapels, sports teams, and many informal activities. CMU offers a variety of campus employment opportunities and housing options. Whether students enroll for a full degree at CMU or take pre-professional courses to prepare for specialized programs later, CMU is a great place to study and live in Canada.

Canadian Mennonite University
Posted November 16, 2014